"We also aim to revive the hand-to-mouth existence for the rural potters in India".
The traditional terra-cotta cup often brings back a wave of memories to many, as they remember piping hot tea being served in a humble kulhad during the cold winters by chaiwallahs next to the bustling train stations in India, it was the only moment of solace for many. These earthy cups allow one to experience chai in a completely different way adding its own twist of flavour and fragrance as Its history dates back to 5000 years ago as per ruins from the Indus Valley Civilization.
Unlike plastic, due to its unglazed and raw nature, the kulhars used at Project Chaiwala are 100% biodegradable, as they’re designed to rapidly dissolve into the ground leaving absolutely no waste behind. The traditional handle-less, unglazed and unpainted kulhars can be thrown away straight after you use them, as they are made by collecting soil from our lands in which water is added to get the mud of desired consistency for moulding it into kulhars.
The kulhad imposes an array of health benefits which have been pointed out by doctors and experts during its research. As the stomach already contains acid and clay being alkaline, helps to aid digestion. Any items stored or served in these earthen clay pots will also have a higher presence of minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Now more than ever, as we’re in the midst of a global health crisis, the topic of hygiene has been of prime importance to all and it’s interesting to know that kulhads are processed under high temperature ensuring a sterile cup.
With every cup of Chai savored from at Project Chaiwala, you also support the Pottery making livelihood of many villagers in the rural areas of India. As a part of the Crescent Educational Society (CREDSO) missions that has evolved since 1992, Endeavour has identified the issues of sustenance faced by women in the Kanyakumari District of India as rural eco friendly natural handicrafts are on the verge of extinction due to occupational shift by artisans because of lack of marketing and proper returns on their finished products.

Giving back to society has always been at the epitome of Project Chaiwala. Each element is carefully considered to ensure, we m
Our khulads are ethically sourced from Endeavour which is the offshoot of CREDSO to address the economic development of the vulnerable rural women enhancing their skill and access to capital for micro enterprise. CREDSO has spearheaded theDepartment of Livelihood Support Initiative which has provided skill development for women in handicraft units like vetiver unit, coconut shell unit, terracotta unit, palm leaf unit, etc and also provided handholding support in marketing from 2013 onwards. Endeavour is involved in supporting the natural terracotta clay unit as they customize products as per client requirement while striving to revive rural handicrafts and also eco friendly products to support green nature and better livelihoods for rural artisans. So with every sip from a kulhad, you also enhance the livelihoods of rural women, while supporting the traditional handicraft manufacturing industry.
At Project Chaiwala we want to treasure a tradition and keeping these kulhad cups at the forefront will allow you to enjoy the sharp coolness of an authentic chai or golden latte while relishing the aroma of the earthen pot. Hence, these healthier clay cups are not only good for the planet, but they’re also good for you.
So next time you take a sip from our ‘Khulad’ made with care, no matter what the situation is, as the flavor from the handcrafted cup bursts in your mouth and hits your soul, let it remind you that it has been handmade with love from its life-giver to protect our environment.